Monday, February 2, 2009


Swim: 1 Hour, 3000 yrds. 10:15am.
300 w/up.
10x50's fast but low stroke count, 10 sec. rest.
8x250 Pull (on the 4:00/:15 rest)
4x25 hypoxic (no breathing) :10 sec. rest/made the 1st. one.

Today was a swim day, slept in until 7:30am, got a few things done around the house, made an appt. for a massage for tomorrow and headed out to Evergreen Rec. at 10:00am. My shoulders and legs were both pretty well trashed from the weekend so I opted for a swim workout that worked less of my legs as I am planning on running long tomorrow morning.

The workout went well, started to get a little bored with the 250's but I do love to pull.

The rest of the day was non-eventful, went to work and home by 7pm. Andy had a good day today as well, got in a long swim and a long run at Wash Park...the old neighborhood.

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