Sunday, January 25, 2009

Wishing it was spring already

Annie, Terese and I after the half-marathon

Well, here it is, my first day of training and I can't get motivated to go outside....why is that? It hasn't quite reached 20* so I am having a difficult time getting ALL my gear on to go for that quick little run. Now, if I was up skiing I would think that 20* sounded balmy and I would be loving it.

My girlfriend Annie and I went to Phoenix last weekend to run the Rock-n-Roll half-marathon and we had such wonderful weather, running in 70* feels so good. The feeling of running in just shorts and a tank top sure beats all the clothes I have to find and put on for this winter weather...2 pairs of tights, 2 shirts and a jacket, thick gloves and a hat, I weigh an extra 5lbs with all this stuff!!

Our races went well and it motivated us both to get out there and train even harder and sign up for some more running races....however, I still can't get myself out of my warm, cozy house. Okay, when the temps hit 20* I will head out into the cold. I know I will have a great run and will feel so much better once it's over with, however, just getting my foot out the door is the biggest challenge of my day!

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